Virgin Mary - vertaling naar italiaans
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Virgin Mary - vertaling naar italiaans

Mary the mother of Jesus; Blessed Virgin Mary; Blessed Virgin; Saint Mary; Mary, the Mother of Jesus; Blessed Mary; St. Mary; Holy Mary; Mary, Mother of God; Mary, Mother of Jesus; Blessed Mother; The BVM; Mother Mary; St Mary; St.Mary; Maryam, Mother of Isa; Mary (Holy Mary); Mary (Virgin Mary); Mary, mother of Christ; Mary the Mother of God; Mary mother of Jesus; Saint Mary the Virgin; Mary, mother of God; Mary the Virgin; Marian intercession; The mother of Jesus Mary; Our Lady of Oxford; Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary the Mother of Jesus; Our Lady of the Wayside (Patron Saint of California); Virgin Mary; Nativitat de la Mare de Déu; Mary (mother of Jesus); Mother of Jesus; Mary (Jesus' mother); Mary (virgin); Nuestra Señora; Nuestra Señora la Mayor; Our Lady Queen of the Angels; Our Lady of Expectation; Virgin mary; Mary, Blessed Virgin, The; Blessed Virgin Mother; Mary of Nazareth; Holy Immaculate Mother; Virgen de regla; Virgin Mary joke; Nativitat de la Mare de Deu; Nuestra Senora; Nuestra Senora la Mayor; Mary (Mother of Jesus); Blessed Virgin Mary and Christian Churches; Christian views of Mary Contrasted; Mary Virgin; Queen of the Church; Lady of Lords; Christ Mary; Our Lady of Lords; Mary Free; The Holy Virgin; Divine Mary; Holy virgin; Blessed virgin mary; Our Lady, Queen of the Angels; Protectress of the Oppressed; Our Lady, Protectress of the Oppressed; Our Lady the Protectress of the Oppressed; The Virgin Mary; Mary Mother of Christ; Holy Virgin Mary; Holy Virgin; Mary, Mother of Christ; St Mary, Mother of Jesus; Mary (Christianity); Mariam Matrem; Saint Mary, Mother of Jesus; Mary, mother of Isa; Mary (mother of Isa); Maryam, mother of Isa; Maryam (mother of Isa); Our Lady Mary; Mary, the Blessed Virgin; Mary the mother of Christ; Mary, Queen of Angels; Mary Matha; Virgin Мary; Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus; The Blessed Virgin
  • 1430}}. A traditional depiction of Mary wearing blue clothes.
  • The adoration of the shepherds, a [[nativity scene]] in France.
  • 600}}, from [[Saint Catherine's Monastery]]
  • white lilies]].
  • Mary with an inscription referencing Luke 1:46–47 in St. Jürgen (Lutheran) church in [[Gettorf]] (Schleswig-Holstein).
  • The chapel based on the claimed [[House of Mary]] in Ephesus
  • Mary shaking the palm tree for dates
  • Lutheran church]] in South Carolina
  • Village decorations during the ''[[Feast of the Assumption]]'' in [[Għaxaq]], Malta
  • Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Tartaków in Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Łukawiec.
  • 1118}} AD
  • ''Our Lady of Sorrows'' by [[Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato]], 17th century
  • 12th century}}
  • [[Persian miniature]] of Mary and Jesus
  • Stabat Mater]]'' by [[Gabriel Wuger]], 1868
  • Theotokos}} ("God-bearer")

Virgin Mary         
Vergine Vergine Maria
Blessed Virgin         
Vergine Santissima
Mary Leakey         
  • Mary and Louis Leakey at [[Olduvai Gorge]]
  • Plinth with plaque sited in Olduvai Gorge marking the spot where Mary Leakey discovered "Zinjanthropus", the first-found ''A. boisei'' in Africa.
Mary D Leakey; Mary Douglas Leakey; Mary Nicol; Mary Douglas Nicol Leakey; Mary Nicol Leakey; Mary Nichol Leakey; Leakey, Mary Nichol; Leakey, Mary
n. Mary Leakey (1913-1996) paleontologa inglese moglie di Louis Leakey e madre di Richard Leakey


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Mary, mother of Jesus

Mary was a first-century Jewish woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity, venerated under various titles such as virgin or queen, many of them mentioned in the Litany of Loreto. The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Church of the East, Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches believe that Mary, as mother of Jesus, is the Mother of God. Other Protestant views on Mary vary, with some holding her to have considerably lesser status.

The New Testament describes Mary as a young virgin who was chosen by God to conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit. After giving birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, she raised him in the city of Nazareth in Galilee, and was in Jerusalem at his crucifixion and with the apostles after his ascension. Although her later life is not accounted in the Bible, Catholic and Eastern Christian traditions believe that her body was raised into heaven at the end of her earthly life, which is known in Western Christianity as the Assumption of Mary and in Eastern Christianity as the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Mary has been venerated since early Christianity, and is considered by millions to be the holiest and greatest saint. There is a certain diversity in the Mariology and devotional practices of major Christian traditions. The Catholic Church holds distinctive Marian dogmas, namely her Immaculate Conception and her Assumption into heaven. Many Protestants minimize Mary's role, based on what they argue is lack of biblical support for any beliefs other than her status as the Mother of God and the virgin birth. She is mentioned several times in the Quran, including in a chapter named after her, and has the highest position in Islam among all women.

The multiple forms of Marian devotions include various prayers and liturgical chants, the celebration of several Marian feast days in Christian liturgy, the veneration of relics and images, the construction of churches dedicated to Mary and pilgrimages to Marian shrines. Many Marian apparition and miracles attributed to her intercession have been reported by believers over the centuries. She has been a traditional subject in arts, notably in Byzantine art, medieval art and Renaissance art.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Virgin Mary
1. Virgin Mary in Clearwater, Florida.
2. Virgin Mary on toast aside.
A Short Introduction to Miracles _ Yujin Nagasawa _ Talks at Google
3. Is it the Virgin Mary?
4. Aska doesn't exactly strike my as the Virgin Mary.
Venuto al mondo
5. But who does it really look like? The Virgin Mary?
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Virgin Mary
1. Father Eric Roy said Giguere has not claimed to be the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary, and said the 86–year–old Quebec woman receives graces‘‘ from the Virgin Mary and God. The Virgin Mary took possession of her soul.
2. Nigella Lawson clowned around as the Virgin Mary.
3. The town regularly attracts Catholics hoping to see apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
4. It depicts the archangel Gabriel revealing to the Virgin Mary that she is pregnant.
5. With a very hairy Justin Lee Collins standing in as the Virgin Mary.